Something that can be used for all four mathematical operations

  • Four basic mathematical operations

  • Addition,


    Multiplication and

    Division can be applied.

    Like: height, weight, and time are quantities.

  • Four basic mathematical operations

  • Constant Quantity

    A quantity which remains same (unchanged) throughout a particular investigation is known as a constant quantity.

    Fixed Constant:

    constants which always remain same (unchanged) independent of the purpose of user, place and time are known as fixed constants.
    Example: quotient of circumference of a circle and its diameter which is always equal to π .

    Arbitrary Constants:

    constants which remain same in one problem but may vary from problem to problem and are generally denoted by a, b, c, l, m, n, α, β, γ , etc.

  • Variable

    A quantity which may change its value even in a particular problem is known as variable.


    If the nature of the quantity is such that it can take any possible value between two certain limits then such a quantity is known as continuous in nature. Like: Height


    If the nature of the quantity is such that it can take at most countable values between two certain limits then such a quantity is known as discrete in nature